On a first listen, it is the
composition and pacing that really stand out. Brief melodic intervals
are linked by passages of deep, trance like and multi-textured
drones.Choral samples become interlaced with distorted guitar, glitch
plays counterpoint to piano and evocative synth passages evolve
almost spontaneously, as if the composer is allowing us a time out to
pause, catch our breaths and reflect on what has come before and how
we might deal with all that is to come. There is a mind boggling
breadth of ideas and moments captured in the piece, and yet no
thought or melodic impulse receives less than full consideration.
Indeed, it is this deep attention to detail which amazed me on my
first listen to In, and which now bears full fruit in Off.
I have immensely enjoyed all
of the releases in the triptych but Off is in my opinion the
strongest and most complete of the three, and is well worth the wait
of almost a year since In was released. I look forward to
future listens and to finally getting to hear the complete triptych
from start to finish. I've wondered much at the preposition titles,
with the implied movement away from a focal point or gravitational
center. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to comment further on it
after a few more listens. For now I simply want to get this review
out quickly while there is still time to do some good for Mr. Mehr by
encourgaging fans of ambient, experimental and noise music to drop by
Hidden Shoals and get their hands on In, On, and (if no
other), Off.
Markus Mehr: http://markusmehr.de/
Hidden Shoal Recordings: http://music.hiddenshoal.com/
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